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Добавлено: Чт окт 24, 2019 8:15 pm
Шилина Татьяна
онлайн переписка:

Марина: Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста совместимы ли свечи Гайномакс с ГВ?

Re: Гайномакс

Добавлено: Чт окт 24, 2019 8:19 pm
Шилина Татьяна
Вера Яковенко: Здравствуйте, Марина. Сейчас я посмотрю в справочниках.
Вера Яковенко: Сколько вашему малышу?
Марина: 2 месяца
Вера Яковенко: В свечах 2 компонента. E-lactanicia пишет по ним:
Вера Яковенко: Tinidazole
Very Low Risk for breastfeeding
Safe. Compatible.
Not risky for breastfeeding or infant.
Antiprotozoal and antibacterial (anerobic bacteria). Indicated in urogenital trichomoniasis, nonspecific vaginitis, giardiasis, intestinal and hepatic amebiasis, acute ulcerative gingivitis and prophylaxis of postoperative infections by anaerobic bacteria.
Administered orally or intravenously in a single or daily dose for 3 to 6 days according to pathology.
It is excreted into breast milk in clinically non-significant amount (Evaldson 1985, Männistö 1983, Wood 1982) which is much lower than the dose that is prescribed to infants.
This medication is authorized for use in infants older than 1 month of age.
Some authors recommend waiting 72 hours after the last dose before restarting breastfeeding (CDC 2010, Evaldson 1985). Meanwhile, express and discard breastmilk regularly.
Be aware of false negative results of bacterial cultures obtained from febrile infants whose mothers are on antibiotics, as well as the possibility of gastroenteritis due to altered intestinal flora (Ito 1993).
When topically used with creams and vaginal ovules, absorption into serum is scanty, hence, excretion into breast milk is believed lower than that attained by systemic administration.
Вера Яковенко: Tioconazole
Very Low Risk for breastfeeding
Safe. Compatible.
Not risky for breastfeeding or infant.
Systemic absorption through skin or vaginal mucosa is not significant. Wash hands thoroughly.
Avoid using it it on the breast or cleanse before nursing.
Вера Яковенко: Оба вещества имеют низкий риск. После того, как вы брали свечи руками, руки нужно хорошо вымыть.
Марина: Понятно. Большое Вам спасибо за консультацию!
Вера Яковенко: Пожалуйста! Здоровья вам и хорошего кормления)